PII identification
To overcome the concerns around data privacy and enable secure data sharing, Fabric incorporates an automated Personal Identifiable Information (PII) identification engine to help detect and handle potential PII.
What can be considered Personal Identifiable Information (PII)?
PII is information that, when used alone or with other relevant data, can uniquely identify an individual. PII may contain direct indentifiers (e.g., ID, VAT, Credit Card Number) and/or quasi-identifiers (e.g., age, gender, race, occupation). Correctly classifying these is crucial to reduce the risk of re-identification. Learn more about how Fabric mitigates the risk of re-identification using synthetic data.
Fabric offers a standardized classification of PII that automatically highlights and tags potential PII. The automatic detection of PII can be enabled during the loading process of your datasets and can be leveraged to generate privacy-preserving synthetic data.
After the detection, the PII information will be available through the Metadata > PII Types, where each column that may represent potential PII is associated to one or several tags that identify the type of information it might be leaking.
You can review the automatic PII classification and add additional PII tags of your own by editing the metadata and select additional tags available in a pre-defined list of values, containing the most common types of potential PII information: email, phone, VAT, zip code, among others.
Need a solution to enable data sharing and comply with GDPR and CCPA regulations?
Using synthetic data has proven to foster a culture of data-sharing within organizations, overcoming the limitations of traditional privacy methods and maximizing data value. Try Fabric Community Version to enable secure data sharing.