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After the installation, the client will be billed for all the infrastructure costs plus the usage metrics describe in the offer.

Using a usage-based pricing model you will only pay for what you use.

The following metrics are calculated and sent to Azure in order to charge you at the current offer pricing:

  • CPU / Hour
  • Memory / Hour
  • GPU / Hour

The following Azure services are mandatory for the platform to work and will be billed:

  • Virtual networks
  • IP Address
  • Private DNS Zones
  • Container Registry
  • Storage Account
  • MySQL Server
  • Deployment Scripts
  • Kubernetes Services
  • Key Vault
  • Container Instances

To check the infrastructure costs of the platform, you can use the Azure Cost analysis (under the Cost Management + Billing service) and filter by the created resource groups during the deployment. This will aggregate all the resources deployed by the platform.

Cost Estimations

YData Fabric final cost can be estimated following the logic of a usage-based plan since it depends on your users and data. The following table provides a guideline of how to compute the total cost for different usage scenarios based on the deployed infrastructure.

AKS Nodes Instance Type vCPUs Memory (GBi) GPUs Number of instances % Usage/ CPU/Hour % Usage/ Memory/Hour % Usage/ GPU/Hour Cost Azure/Hour Cost Azure/Day Cost YData/Hour Cost YData/Day
System Standard_D2s_v3 8 32 0 2 30 30 0 0.4800 23.04 0.288 6.912
CPU Micro (labs) Standard_D2s_v3 2 8 0 1 50 50 0 0.1200 2.88 0.06 1.44
CPU Small (labs) Standard_D4s_v3 4 16 0 1 50 50 0 0.2400 5.76 0.12 2.88
CPU Medium (labs) Standard_D8s_v3 8 32 0 0 0 0 0 0.4800 0 0 0
CPU Large (labs) Standard_D16s_v3 16 64 0 0 0 0 0 0.9600 0 0 0
CPU Compute Micro (computing) Standard_D32s_v3 32 128 0 1 80 80 0 1.9200 46.08 1.536 36.864
GPU Micro (labs) Standard_NC6s_v3 6 112 1 0 0 0 0 3.8230 0 0 0
GPU Compute Micro (computing) Standard_NC6s_v3 6 112 1 0 0 0 0 3.8230 0 0 0

The example above illustrates a scenario where the Micro and Small instances are used. It is also illustrated that despite the Nodes being available, they're not necessarily being used, hence billed - only when the infrastructure is required and actually used, it is measured and billed accordingly.